A Swimming Codfish
bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles

Florida DrupalCamp 2013

Sat. April 20, 2013 @ Florida Technical College in Orlando, FL

A Beginners Guide to Drupal

OS Training Beginner's Track
Experience level: 

We go over all the basics you'll need to get the most out of your day at DrupalCamp Florida.

- What Drupal is and isn't.
- The workflow for building Drupal sites
- How to speak Drupal
- How to get started using Drupal

About Steve Burge

I'm a Brit in North Georgia. I run OSTraining and have a new book, Drupal 7 Explained, coming at DrupalCon this year.

About Rod Martin

Husband, Father, Christian, International Speaker... Lead Online Trainer for http://ostraining.com
Play ice hockey, ride my classic '84 goldwing.