A Swimming Codfish
bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles

Florida DrupalCamp 2013

Sat. April 20, 2013 @ Florida Technical College in Orlando, FL

Speaker Info

This page is a listing of the many resources available for speakers presenting sessions at Florida Drupalcamp 2013.


  • March 1: Session submissions begin
  • April 5: Session submissions end
  • April 20: Conference


We will be asking you to upload your slides to our site - please use the Print to PDF function of your presentation tool. We will also give you permission to edit your session's page with any relevant info or links related to your session.


If you don't want the hassle of creating your own slide templates for your presentation we invite you to use one of our official Florida Drupal Camp speaker templates. Please be sure to include a Session Title slide for session archiving purposes as well as a Session Evaluation slide to remind attendees to evaluate your session. Slides coming soon.

Speaker Slides - Keynote (.key) 6.68 MB
Speaker Slides - PowerPoint (.ppt) 4.55 MB
Speaker Slides - PowerPoint (.pptx) 1.06 MB


How long are sessions?

General sessions are 45 minutes and may include 10-15 minutes for audience Q+A.

How can I help improve my session's visibility in the community?

Once you've submitted a session, promote it! Community comments help our selection teams better know what our attendees are interested in seeing at Florida DrupalCamp.

How will my session be recorded?

We are recording a majority of the sessions, however, there will be a small handful that will not be recorded. We record the audio and slides live, as they are presented, and post to your session node following your session (generally within a few hours of delivery.) Attendees like having a copy of session slides in addition to this recording, so we ask you to upload your slides (by editing your session) by the first day of Florida DrupalCamp.

What permissions do I need to present?

Ensure you have explicit permission to share your company/client information, or at what level is appropriate to share. Proposing a session without permission is grounds for session cancellation.


All rooms will have a podium, projector, and screen. You will need to bring your own laptop for your session.

Setup times: Speakers are required to arrive at least 10 minutes early for setup. Speakers have access to the session rooms from prior to the first session of the day and also during the breaks.


There is visitor Wi-Fi available in all of the rooms, however, since connections to WiFi can sometimes be unreliable, we STRONGLY recommend you have the ability to do your session without WiFi.

There will also be wired internet available (on a 50mb connection). Be sure to bring an ethernet cable if your presentation requires an internet connection.


  • Your laptop, with session slides loaded (it doesn't hurt to bring a backup USB).
  • Your laptop's power adaptor.
  • A 110 volt power converter if you are visiting from outside the US.
  • All classrooms have a HDMI connection to the projector. FLDC will provide VGA to HDMI converters for all classrooms. Please be sure your laptop can connect to either HDMI or VGA connector
  • A slide advancer, if you want one.