A Swimming Codfish
bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles

Florida DrupalCamp 2013

Sat. April 20, 2013 @ Florida Technical College in Orlando, FL

Simple Ways to Awesomize® Drupal's Page Load Times

Development & Performance
Experience level: 

So, your brand-spanking-new website is looking sweet! Functionality is amazing (thanks contrib!), but the site is as slow as a pile of dead molasses. What the... ?

In this presentation, I'm going to walk both the sysadmin and front-end developer though optimizing load times. Why front-end developer? Because in a moderately fast website, ~80% of page load times occur on the front end, and it gets even worse with mobile devices.

Topics covered will include tools, statistics, tips to optimize MySQL, caching mechanisms, Drupal problems, how to fix them, HTTP Requests, DOM, bandwidth and more.

About Mike Herchel

I've been creating websites since 2001, and developing with Drupal since version 5.3 (early 2008). I've done just a bit of everything :)

  • Front-end Developer - My true love in the Drupal-verse (and in general web development) is at the front-end of things. I'm talented with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks (my tool of trade). I'm obsessive about user experience, usability, and mobile design. I'm skilled at HTML5, CSS3 (and am loving CSS preprocessing!). Lastly, I love tying all of this together with Drupal theming.
  • I'm a sysadmin by trade, so I’m familiar with LAMP and love trying to its maximize performance (I'm a speeeed freak).
  • Site-Builder/Developer - I fell in love with Drupal because of its contrib ecosystem. It allows me to put together awesomely complex data-models that my sub-par PHP skills won’t let me.

I'm also very active in the Florida Drupal community, and I run our local meetup in Gainesville, FL.