A Swimming Codfish
bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles

Florida DrupalCamp 2013

Sat. April 20, 2013 @ Florida Technical College in Orlando, FL

Managing your Media with Drupal

Site Building
Experience level: 

This session will provide you with a basic understanding of how to use File Entity, Media, and related modules to integrate video, audio, images, and other media assets into your Drupal site, and to manage your media assets for re-use.

At one time, integrating and managing disparate media assets in your Drupal site was difficult. Each type of asset--including locally-hosted files, Youtube videos, Flickr images, and CDN-hosted assets--required a different approach, each bringing additional overhead to the content editor. And if you wanted to organize and re-use your assets, you had to construct your own special content types and views to do so.

Today, the File Entity and Media modules bring sanity to the task of managing media assets. No matter what type of asset it is, and no matter where the asset is hosted, editors use the same process to create, find, and integrate media assets into Drupal content.

This session will explain the fundamentals of File Entity and Media, provide examples of integrating multiple types of media in a uniform manner, and show how you can categorize and find your media assets for re-use.

About Paul McKibben

Paul is a Lead Drupal Architect with Mediacurrent and a long-time member of the Drupal community. He is based in Atlanta and a regular participant/contributor to the Atlanta Drupal User Group. Interests include the improvement of media asset management in Drupal. He is also intrigued with recent discussions in Content Strategy and Information Architecture, particularly around the emerging field of Adaptive Content.